Flag Football Equipment


This section will provide you with a complete flag football equipment checklist. 

One of the most overlooked advantages of playing flag football is the equipment—or lack thereof. Without the aspect of tackle and contact, all that heavy-duty (and often expensive) equipment, like helmets and shoulder pads, are no longer required. Whether you’re new to the sport or a seasoned professional, there are a few essential pieces every player needs.


NFL FLAG makes it easy—players receive almost everything they need to compete as a part of their registration

NFL FLAG team jersey. Every player also receives a team jersey upon registration.  Uniform sizing Chart

Flag football flags and belt. Players wear belts with flags that hang along their sides and opponents have to pull the flags off of the ball-carrier’s belt. Every player receives an official NFL FLAG football belt and flag football flags. The coach will help size the flag belts for each participant. 

Shorts. It’s important to wear shorts that don’t have pockets. This allows the belt and flags to be visible at all times, avoiding unnecessary penalties. It also is a safety precaution so that fingers don’t get stuck when attempting to remove the flag.  

Mouthguard. This is the only protective gear that players wear. We recommend having a backup pair in your bag, just in case. 

Football cleats. Metal cleats are not allowed in flag football. 

Football gloves (optional). Some players prefer to use football gloves, which give extra grip to help control the ball. These aren’t required, though.


One of the things that coaches love the most about flag football is that it’s an inclusive and accessible sport, which is a result of there being no contact. In tackle football, players are required to wear helmets, shoulder pads, girdles, and other necessary protective gear. But in youth flag football, the equipment list is much shorter—flag football belts and flags, a mouth guard, and that’s about it. Therefore, by comparison, flag football is generally less costly than tackle. In fact, families might find that tackle football leagues are up to $300 more expensive because of the additional equipment needed to play. 

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