Coaching Position Decriptions
Coaching Positions
All coaches and team staff are volunteers. All coaches have gone through a background check, concussion training and attend a training. All volunteers must wear their assigned coach's shirt duri8ng practice and game.
Head Coach
The Head Coach takes the lead role and is the main liaison back to the company. Responsibilities: overall team strategy and encouraging a philosophy of fun, while teaching flag football fundamentals. Maximum of three volunteers per team.
Assistant Coach/Co-Coach
The Assistant Coach is designed to assist the Head Coach. However, two Assistant Coaches (now Co-Coaches) can collaborate to lead a team for the season, if a Head Coach volunteer is not assigned to lead the team. Maximum of three volunteers per team.
Team Manager
The Team Manager supports the team coaches. They may assist with family/player communications, snack schedules, managing sideline players/rotations, and helping the team in any way. Maximum of three Volunteers per team
Team coach requirements
Teams may be assigned only a Head Coach or two Assistant Coaches (now considered a co-coach). Teams are NOT guaranteed a Head Coach. Our goal is to have up to three staff for each team. This can consist of two coaches and a team manager or three coaches.